Writer's Block

Well, it happens to all of us. I have writer's block and its OK. I simply don't feel like writing and all of my fall/halloween/ work duties are overwhelming me. In fact, I don't feel so hot. Could it be swine flu? Please Lord, no. So I'm going to crawl under the covers right now and fend it off. I have a son coming home form college today and I want to be happy and chipper and make his favorite meal. Right now? I feel like the meal. Leftovers. I am working on a new blog about throwing out my bra. the one that has supported me through good times and bad for the past 3 years. Yes, I wear a good bra into the ground. So when I get my mojo back.... ill have a new blog. In the mean time- some more of my favorite words-- they are just fun to say. And Id like to hear yours too. CRISP STENCH DECREPIT REPULSIVE